Best Foot Care Practices for Harmattan

cracked heels

Harmattan may just be the best season of the year, depending on how you choose to look at it. Well, some folks may disagree because the season comes with dustiness, cold, cracked heels, and torn lips.

Talking about cracked heels, have you ever wondered if it was possible to keep your feet looking soft, clean, and attractive all harmattan? Well, I have thought about the possibility, and I have searched for the best ways to make that possible.

Featured in this article are the best ways to keep your feet looking and feeling as clean and fresh as they do in summertime ( I’d like to assume your summer feet game is on point).

Just because the harmattan season is that time when you have to put on shoes or put on socks all day, it doesn’t mean you have to forget the importance of self-care.

Remember that your feet carry the weight of your whole body through the day, and is also your most used means of transportation no matter how many hours you think you spend in your car or using other transport options.

So, during summer, its slippers, and scandal season, you get a pedicure to help your feet look and feel beautiful in that footwear.

In harmattan, the same routine should continue, mainly because of how often you may need to get rid of dry or dead skin cells during this period. Follow these easy Harmattan foot care tips, and feel free to add yours to the list.

Never underestimate the power of soaking your feet

Soaking your feet on a weekend is one of the best ways to relax. Not only will you be softening your dead skin cells to aid exfoliation, but you will also feel relieved of whatever tension exists on your ankles and joints.

A relaxing and moisturizing foot soak on a cold harmattan morning is a good treat, and when you pair that with a good foot massage, it can make your entire body feel great.

Get yourself a good pedicurist

Most people do not see the need to get a pedicurist. The reason why this happens is that a lot of individuals feel their feet will get dirty or look ugly once they step out for a walk or go about their daily activities; hence, there is no need for them to invest in foot care or pay someone to get their feet done.

However, greeting a good pedicurist is the best way to maintain a good foot care routine, especially if you hardly have the time to do your feet yourself.

Pedicures are usually not so expensive, and you can get a pedicurist to get your feet done in the comfort of your home.

A good pedicurist will help you identify whatever problems your feet have during the harmattan season, and prescribe the best treatment for them.

Engage in a good self-care routine so that you do not need too many pedicures

Caring for your feet by yourself regularly will help reduce the number of pedicure sessions you need in a month. With proper personal foot care, you may only need to get a pedicure twice a month (every two weeks), or at least once a month.

Here are tips on how to put your best foot forward this harmattan


  1. The best way to trim and file your nails in harmattan and every other season: When trimming your toenails, make sure that you cut and file straight across as this will help to prevent ingrown nails on your toes. Please note that if ever you get an ingrown nail, never try to get it fixed on your own as you might injure yourself, and worse still, damage your toes.
  2. The right length for your nails: Whether in harmattan or in any other season, make sure that your nails are kept in a short length, especially if you wear tight boots or workout often. Because the weather in harmattan is always cold, constant pressure on your nail bed can lead to bruising or even permanent damage faster than in other seasons. This is very vital because, in harmattan, you always have your feet hidden in socks and boots.


  1. As you can already guess, your heels and other callused areas are the focal points when it comes to exfoliating your feet. However, you may want to feel some improvement in the texture of your skin and avoid the hard scrubbing that comes with trying to get rid of tough calluses. To achieve this, all you have to do is get an old pair of socks ( or a new pair if you do not mind) and put them on after moisturizing your soles with a right foot cream every night. In about one week, you should notice a good improvement in not only the appearance but the texture of your skin. Make sure to ask your pedicurist for the best foot cream to use, or stick to the product you are used to. You can also make your foot cream at home by trying out some fantastic DIY foot cream recipes, which we will be sharing in a different article.
  2. When you decide to get rid of calluses entirely, we advise that you use an 80-grit file, or simply opt for sandpaper to help you get rid of dead, dry skin on the callused area. A lot of us are in the habit of over pumicing our callused area. There’s no need to feel bad about this habit, because it is a prevalent feeling that the harder you scrub with a pumice stone, the faster you achieve desired results. It turns out; you do not need your feet to be as soft as a baby’s. Some thick, rough patches are required under your feet because calluses are the human body’s way of overused padding areas. If you continually tear out your calluses, it might lead to discomfort. If you want your feet to feel good and still feel soft, the best thing to do is get a pedicurist who can care for your feet and not peel off the entire padding.

Foot Scrub

  1. One of the best ways to keep your feet look good during the harmattan season is by getting yourself a good jar of foot scrub. All you have to do is soak your feet in lukewarm water containing a few drops of essential oils and foot soak for about 15 minutes, and gently scrub your sole with a foot scrub. Foot scrubs are a less brutal method of exfoliation that pumice stones and blades.
  2. Foot scrubs can also be very relaxing, especially when you have someone use them on your feet.

Feel free to include other tips you’d like to share with us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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