9 Best Places to See in Accra


When you talk about the most beautiful countries in West Africa, there is no way you would skip mentioning The Black star.

History has it that Ghana is one of the first west African countries to gain independence. Ever since then, the country has become a tourist attraction, rich in history and, of course, with a wealth of culture.

Tourists from all over the world visit Ghana every year just to experience it’s impressive tourist attractions. In this article, we will be discussing some of the most exciting places in the capital city of Accra.

If you are planning to visit Accra on your next holiday, then this article will be beneficial. Read further and enjoy it.

1. Accra, The Capital of Ghana

The city of Accra is a sprawling one with about 2 million inhabitants and is arguably one of the safest capitals in Africa. The city of Accra has a mixture of shanty towns and modern buildings, some castles, and very lively markets.

If you’re in search of the central hub of this city, it is around the popular makola market, which is just a few minutes away from the Atlantic Ocean to the south.

If you’re spending time in Accra, then you most likely will be interested in the main attraction within the city.

Here are some of them:

1. The Ghanaian National Museum

Ghanaian National Museum

The national museum has an interesting collection of displays that tell the rich story of Ghana’s exciting cultures, and it’s fascinating history, including the popular slave trade and, of course, the Ashanti Kingdom.

2. Makola Market

Makola Market

The Makola market is one of the most popular markets in Accra. This beautiful market is full of vibrant Traders who are always available to trade a wide range of products with buyers.

No matter where you are in Ghana, this is one market you will always hear about, and we’ll be happy to visit. There is almost nothing that can be bought from the makola market.

People who visit Ghana are always interested in purchasing fabric and beads, and the makola market is one place where all of these can easily be bought.

3. James Fort

James Fort ghana

Guests love to visit James Fort because of the story behind its existence. Situated in the suburb of Ghana’s Jamestown, James Fort used to be one of the essential monuments of slavery and the Europeans. Today, it has become home to a number of prisoners in the city of Accra.

4. Christiansborg castle

Christiansborg castle

The name of this Castle would have you thinking about London and the royal family. Christiansborg Castle stands out amongst the castles and forts in the country of Ghana because it has served as the Government House from as far back as the 19th century and continues to perform that function to date.

5. The Arts Center

Arts Center ghana

Ghanaians are art lovers, so you would always find unique art pieces to buy if that’s what you’re interested in. The art center is a fantastic place to shop for all kinds of handicrafts, but you must also have your mind prepared for a hard sell.

6. Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum ( Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park(KNMP)

Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum

If you have read about Ghanaian history, or if you have had anyone tell you about it, then you probably know the name, Kwame Nkrumah. The Kwame Nkrumah mausoleum is the final resting place of Ghana’s first president, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

The mausoleum was dedicated to him for his notable campaign for the liberation of Ghana, which was known as Gold Coast from colonial rule on the 6th of March 1957.

7. Kokrobite Beach

Kokrobite Beach

As earlier mentioned, there are so many beautiful beaches in Ghana, but the most popular in the last ten years has to be the beaches around kokrobite.

Getting to kokrobite from the capital city is a very short drive. Kokrobite is fast 20 miles (30km) tro-tro ride from the capital city of Accra.

One of the primary attractions in this part of town is the magnificent Academy of African Music and Art (AAMA) that was found by skilled drummer Mustapha Tettey Addy. This Academy is one that attracts enthusiastic drummers and dancers from all parts of the world.

If you would like to stay over at the music academy, you can quickly get accommodation there or simply visit big Milly’s backyard inside the village which is also on the beach.

For those who are interested in sitting out at a friendly bar and restaurants, you can find one at big Milly where you can easily interact with other tourists.

8. Busua Beach

Busua Beach

A fun place to be, the Busua beach is one of Ghana’s finest beaches and offers visitors an opportunity to relax, enjoy some paddle in the Atlantic, and munch on some lobster. There are lots of hotels along the Busua beach front ranging from simple to luxurious.

Some of the famous hotels/inns that you can find in this area include the Busua Inn, Busua Beach Resort, as well as the African Rainbow resort.

If you are not in the mood of a place filled with tourists like Busua, you can also try out Princess Town which is just a little down to the west along the coast.

So, guys, these are a few of the notable places you can visit when you are in Accra.

If you know of any other site that should have made this list, please not hesitate to share them in the comments section below.

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