What Is Cruise Control Diet?

Cruise Control Diet

With the increasing number of people looking to lose weight, it is no surprise that there are new weight-loss diets and workout plans emerging. The Cruise Control Diet is one of the few weight loss diet plan that has proved to be effective and pocket-friendly.

You may not have heard about this diet prior to your reading this article, and that’s not even a bad thing.

The cruise control diet was created by James Ward and people who have tried this weight-loss diet plan claim it not only helped them shed a few pounds, it also helped them to maintain their new figure.

The success of the cruise control diet lies in its emphasis on leading a clean and healthy lifestyle. If you have tried other plans but seem to hit a brick wall with burning stubborn fat, this plan is exactly what you need.

Read further to learn all about the cruise control diet, how to get desired results, and how to maintain a healthy body through this diet.

What is the cruise control diet and how did it begin?

The Cruise Control Diet is a healthy weight-loss eating plan that dwells on an all-natural whole foods approach to fat burning. Which means you get to lose as much weight as you want without dealing with too many restrictions.

This plan is beneficial to the dieter because he or she is able to incorporate a new and healthier lifestyle, which is a better option than just burning fat and battling with weight maintenance.

James Ward, the brain behind the cruise diet, pointed out that before this diet plan, he was a yo-yo dieter. This means that he would be on a weight-loss plan and successfully shed some fat, but would quickly bulk up again like he never lost any weight.

After trying different diets and getting the same results, he figured that what he needed was a sustainable diet plan that would not stop him from eating the foods he loved and still help him maintain a healthy weight.

That was how the story of the cruise control diet began. The official cruise control diet website was up and running in 2011, and has been as useful as possible to people who need it.

But you may wonder, why is this cruise control diet so successful? The simple answer lies in the four basic principles this diet follows.

How the cruise control diet works?

The Cruise Control Diet functions via the following four principles:

  1. Consume only natural, whole food options that will not only keep you satiated but help you burn excess fat.
  2. Avoid snacking on junk or consuming processed and packaged foods.
  3. Don’t completely avoid the consumption of chocolate, cookies, or even candies. It is OK to enjoy them every once in a while.
  4. Do not engage in counting calories or even bother to maintain a food journal. Allow your natural instinct to guide you on what is OK for you to consume and the right quality of it.

These four simple principles, to some people, might seem pretty odd especially as most dieters have become so used to highly restrictive diets that usually don’t give room for the consumption of just about anything that the dieter feels like eating.

But that is also the reason why many dieters find it hard to keep up with their diet. The main point of the Cruise Control Diet is very simple; not to hinder the natural hunger of the dieter and to keep eating healthy.

The only thing that the Cruise Control Diet restricts are packaged foods and foods that are not natural. You should take a look at the section after this to get a clearer picture of what I mean.

Foods to eat


Carrot, broccoli, tomato, cauliflower, kale, spinach, bell pepper, Chinese cabbage, purple cabbage, cabbage, radish, turnip, snake gourd, beans, drumsticks, radish greens, scallion, collard greens, Swiss chard, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, okra, brinjal, bitter gourd, squash, bottle gourd, edamame, striped gourd, bok choy, and peas.


Strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, banana, gooseberries, apple, peach, plum, pomegranate, cranberries, dates, lime, orange, lemon, apricot, tangerine, pluot, star fruit, apricot, papaya, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and sweet lime.


Soy chunks, free-range eggs, soybeans, wild-caught fish, kidney beans, chicken, grass-fed beef, kidney beans, pork, lentils, soy milk, and mushroom.


Cheese, grass-fed cow’s milk, butter, and ghee.

Nuts And Seeds

Melon seeds, almonds, pistachio, chia seeds, cashew nuts, macadamia, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds.

Fats And Oils

Olive oil, cheese, rice bran oil, peanut butter, butter, almond butter ghee, and coconut oil.


Water, vegetable juice, fresh coconut water, freshly pressed fruit juice, herbal tea, and homemade buttermilk.

Herbs And Spices

Cilantro, garlic, dill, thyme, basil, mint, curry leaves, oregano, bay leaf, dried red chili, cardamom, onion, ginger, saffron, mace, clove, cinnamon, ginger powder, parsley, rosemary, black pepper, cayenne pepper, chili flakes, garlic powder, onion powder, fennel seeds, and white pepper.

Foods To Avoid

  1. Potato wafers
  2. Fried foods
  3. Salami and sausage
  4. Soda
  5. Frozen foods
  6. Energy drinks
  7. Packaged fruit juice
  8. Added artificial flavours and colours

Now that you know all the needs you need to buy when next you go grocery shopping or pay a visit to the supermarket, below is a sample diet chart you might find useful.

MealWhat to eat?
Early Morning (6:00 – 7:00 a.m.)1 cup water with a single teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
Breakfast (6:45 – 7:45 a.m.)1 hard-boiled whole egg or a half avocado, 1 cup milk or soy milk + 4 whole almonds or 1 small cup sprouted Bengal gram.
Mid Morning (9:45-10:30 a.m.)1 banana or 1 cup of green tea
Lunch (12:30 – 1:00 p.m)1 small cup brown rice, 1 medium bowl lentil soup, and 1 cup vegetable curry or sauteed vegetables.
Snack (3:30 – 4:00 p.m.)1 cup of black coffee or cappuccino, 2 digestive biscuits, crackers, or a homemade cookie.
Dinner (7:00 – 7:30 p.m.)3-4 oz of grilled steak, ½ cup sautéed mushroom and 1 cup of blanched or sautéed vegetables.
Bed Time (10:00 – 10:30 p.m.)1 cup of milk or soy milk with a piece of dark chocolate or a pinch of turmeric.

This diet chart is a good one because it will help you stay satiated for a long duration of time, and also prevent you from feeling like you’re deprived of eating good and delicious foods.

Nevertheless, you must avoid any form of trans fat and package or processed foods. You have to consume only homemade food.

We also know how busy your life may be, and we have decided to share some amazing, quick, and delicious cruise diet recipes that you’ll love. Read about these recipes in our cruise control diet recipe article.

Cruise Control Diet Benefits

  1. Helps to burn calories fast and aids weight loss.
  2. Helps to Increase stamina.
  3. Improves overall lifestyle.
  4. Helps to improve body composition.
  5. Greatly increases energy levels.
  6. Helps to improve sleep life.
  7. Lowers stress.
  8. Improves digestion and gut function.

So, as you can already see, there are numerous health benefits that come with the Cruise Control Diet. However, it is only normal to feel somewhat sceptical about a strange diet that is nothing like the traditional restrictive weight loss diets.

The other question you may want to ask, is this diet safe?

Is The Cruise Control Diet Safe?

Absolutely! the Cruise Control Diet is completely safe for you. Initially, you may find yourself overeating and may assume that the diet is not working.

However, as you begin to avoid the processed foods and all the fried foods that are unhealthy and contain a bunch of calories and a truckload of added sugar and salt – you will begin to lose all of that excess weight naturally.

So, does this mean that people with overweight BMI can opt for the cruise control diet? How exactly can you decide if this diet is right for you?

Is The Cruise Control Diet For You?

The Cruise Control Diet is great, but it’s especially for yo-yo dieters.

As explained earlier, If you are one of those who lose weight when on a specific diet and begin to gain the fat and flab back as soon as you stop following your diet, then the cruise control diet will help to stop your body weight fluctuations.

Below is what you must keep in mind.


Have a talk with your doctor before you try this diet. While it has proven to be effective, whether it works for you or not will greatly depend on your age, your BMI, current weight, medical history, and other factors.

Leave a comment below if you have questions or opinions you’ll Love to share. We look forward to hearing from you.

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