Dukan Diet

Dukan diet

Dukan diet is a diet that has high protein and low carbohydrate content. This eating method was created by Pierre Dukan, a former French physician and self-proclaimed nutritionist.

It is also called the Dukan method and is based on how hunter-gatherers may have eaten. The diet constitutes of 100 foods, and all the food are ideal protein or vegetables an individual can consume as much as they want provided that the only eat those 100 foods. 

The Dukan diet may play a role in weight loss, but research has linked it to possible health complications that include kidney disease and liver disease.

Also, it may not give the entire range of nutrients the body requires. In this article, we will look at the Dukan diet method, if and how it works as well as some possible risk.

Dukan diet needs a person to consume high protein foods and minimise their carbohydrate and fat intake. It concentrates on natural foods instead of packaged foods and encourages daily exercise.

The Duncan diet constitutes 100 food, of which 68 are pure proteins, and 32 are vegetables. Also, an individual can include extra food during the later stages of the diet.

The Dukan diet relies on the theory that consuming a lot of protein can assist people in losing weight, and this is because:

  • High protein foods are lower in calories
  • Consuming protein can help individuals feel full
  • Digesting protein make use of more energy, so the body burns a few extra calories

Limiting carbs and fats provokes a starvation-like state, which compels the body to use fat reserves for energy. This is similar to Atkin’s diets.


There are four  major stages in the Dukan diet:

The attack stage

The attack stage is all about consuming foods from the “pure protein” list. It seeks to boost weight loss, and the concept is that consuming a high amount of protein-rich foods will trigger the metabolism, but it requires some extra calories to digest protein.

There have been claims that no particular food can jump-start the metabolism. However, exercise can boost it. People may lose weight in this stage because they cut back on carbs, which eliminates water from the body.

This water loss and dehydration may lead to increased weight loss. The attack stage often lasts for about 2 to 5 days, but people that aim to lose more than 40 pounds can remain in this stage for longer than 7 Days.

During this stage, a person can consume any of the 68 Pure Protein, and these pure protein are lean protein sources, which includes lean beef, fish, eggs soy, cottage cheese, chicken, and fat-free dairy. Your selection needs to be low in fat and has no added sugar. A person can consume as much as they like, and there isn’t any calorie counting.

The diet also needs them to consume at least 1.5 tablespoons (tbsp) of oat bran every day. Oat bran has a high fibre content, which ensures that the body does not break down or digest most of its carbohydrates.

High fibre foods assist in suppressing hunger, and it requires an individual to consume at least 1.5 litres (l) of water and workout for 20 minutes every day.

The cruise stage

The cruise stage aims to decrease a person’s body weight gradually by including 32 specific vegetables to the diet. People can now consume all 100 food items on the list, but they should rotate it between pure protein days and protein with vegetable days.

The duration of this stage relies on how much weight the individual wishes to lose. It can last for three days for each pound they want to lose.

An individual can consume unlimited amounts of low-fat proteins and infinite quantities of nonstarchy vegetables, which include spinach, okra, lettuce, and green beans. In the cruise stage, the diet needs them to consume 2 tbsp of oat bran and workout for 30 to 60 minutes per day.

The consolidation stage

In the consolidation stage, the goal isn’t to lose weight but to avoid getting it back. A person is permitted to introduce a few starchy foods.

They can now consume:

  • Vast amounts of protein and vegetables
  • 1.5 ounces of hard-rind cheese
  • One portion of fruit
  • Two slices of whole-grain bread

They can also have one or two portions of starchy food and one or two celebration meals every week. During the celebration meal, the person can eat whatever they choose.

This stage needs them to consume pure protein foods once a week, preferably on the exact day of each week. It also needs 25 minutes of workout per day.

The stabilisation stage

The stabilisation stage is the long-term maintenance aspect of the plan. The person shouldn’t expect to lose or gain weight throughout this period. They will have an all-protein day just like in the attack stage for one day each week.

Apart from that, they can consume whatever they choose, provided they obey these simple rules:

  • Consume 3 tbsp of oat bran every day
  • Take the stairs as frequently as possible
  • Have a “pure protein day” every Thursday
  • Workout for 20 minutes a day
  • Drink 1.5 litres of water every day

The stabilisation stage is a long-term plan that becomes a part of the individual’s lifestyle. At this stage, people can eat unnatural sweeteners, vinegar, sugar-free gum, and spices.

The diet also suggests taking multivitamins along with minerals.

Does it actually work?

Maintaining a high protein diet may result in weight loss, but studies haven’t verified that this is a healthy weight loss.

Following a 2014 review, high protein diets may facilitate weight loss for several reasons, which include:

  • Making the person feel  full
  • Decreasing the levels of a hunger hormone known as ghrelin
  • Boosting the balance of glucose in the body
  • Inducing diuresis, or a loss of body fluids

Nonetheless, scientists have pointed out that the diet restricts specific food groups like grains and fruits, which implies that it isn’t nutritionally complete.

It can be a challenging and inconvenient diet because it requires an individual to prepare every meal from scratch. Eating out is allowed, but it might be challenging to control the food preparation procedures in a restaurant.

The Dukan diet has numerous rules that might make it tough to maintain, particularly if others in the family aren’t following the diet. Other issues include the following:

  • The early weight loss will mostly be water, which is interim
  • Lean protein that includes meat and fish can be expensive
  • The rules are rigorous, so it can not be easy to follow for long


Until now, the study has not verified that high protein foods are a healthy method for weight loss. Following a few health experts in the United Kingdom, the Dukan diet “is not nutritionally balanced,” and “the diet increases the risk of long-term health complications if people don’t obey the rules.”

The 2014 review reveals that consuming lots of protein together with a Western diet may increase the chances of metabolic disease. High protein diets can also put the kidneys under pressure because of the desire to eradicate waste generated during the digestion of protein.

A 2015 study revealed that following the Dukan diet for a more extended period can pose health risks, including:

The difference between the Dukan diet and the Atkins diet

According to the Dukan diet website, there are a few similarities between the Dukan diet and the Atkin’s diet because they both involve decreasing carbs.

Nonetheless, there are some significant differences:

  • In the Dukan diet, people aren’t required to count calories, carbs, or other nutritional values
  • The Dukan diet provides a list of 100 foods, with a few other items in the ultimate stage, while the Atkin’s diet is more restrictive.
  • The Dukan diet focuses on low-fat protein such as fat-free dairy products, while the Atkin’s diet has no restrictions on meat fats, dairy fats, or any saturated fats
  • The Atkin’s diet allows bars, shakes, and other packaged foods, while the Dukan diet is based on the 100 natural foods

The Dukan diet is a diet that has high protein and low carbohydrate content. Although it may assist people in losing weight, research has associated the diet with some likely health complications.

Also, any weight loss may actually be an effect of the daily workout the diet needs. It would be helpful if you discuss with a doctor or nutritionist before making any significant changes to your diet. These healthcare professionals can suggest other healthy means of losing weight.

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