Humans are always looking for ways to optimize their health, and one of the easiest ways to go about this is to maintain a healthy diet. There are numerous diets a person can key into, and one of them is the GOLO diet.

Our bodies should be one of our greatest assets, and our health should be our most treasured structure—more than our material belongings.

Our bodies should come first because it is the container of our soul and spirit, and whatever happens to the container happens to the soul as well.

Living healthy, dieting well, maintain balance in our functional part, having a good weight, positive mental health, exercising well all leads to the perfect credit that our body needs.

Diet and nutrition play a notable role in taking care of our bodies, and the GOLO diet plan is what you need to get the desires weight and good health.

What Is the GOLO Diet?

The GOLO diet centers on controlling the insulin levels in the body to boost weight loss. As reported by the GOLO diet’s website, it was formulated by a cooperatives unit of doctors and pharmacists to help regulate hormone levels till the balance is attained, increase metabolism, and assist in maintaining stable weight loss.

The concept is grounded on research that proved that a diet with low glycemic load — made up mainly of foods that do not increase the blood sugar levels or the insulin levels — this can hasten metabolism, thus weight loss and fat burning.

The makers of the GOLO diet assured that you can eat up to 30% more food and still have your desired weight loss, that is if you focus on healthier meals and having your metabolism increased unlike the traditional way of losing weight which involves limiting the way you eat food and always checking your calories.

Components of the GOLO diet

These are elements of the GOLO diet that can help you to achieve your weight goals. There are three main components are the GOLO diet, and they are namely:

  1. The GOLO Release supplement: This is a supplement that comprises a range of minerals and plant extracts that are believed to help balance the blood sugar levels, promotes energy, and decrease cravings. This plan encourages the use of this supplement.
  2. Guidebook: For every, Each purchase the GOLO Rescue Plan is packaged with it.  GOLO rescue plan is a guidebook that offers necessary information and essential instructions on how to develop an adequate and healthy diet with the foods you that enjoy — grounded on your body’s rate of metabolism.
  3. Online Community: Being a member likewise gets the ou right to be a part of an online community, which comprises encouragement from online instructors, discounted products, health appraisal, and free diet plans.

Can the GOLO diet help you lose weight?

The GOLO diet promotes healthy eating and enhances exercising — which can hypothetically help with weight loss. Many distinct and relevant pieces of research, solely funded and carried out by the manufacturers of the GOLO diet, were made to evaluate the effectiveness of the GOLO diet.

This information is available and accessible on the website of the company. One of the researches carried out on 35 adults who were overweight and obese, which lasted for about 26 weeks.

The 26-week study indicated that an excellent combination of the GOLO Release supplement, behavioral changes relating to their diet and regimen diet with an exercise program led in the mean weight loss of 31 Ib (14 kilograms).

Yet, another study conducted amongst 21 overweight and obese adults who made a combination of regimen healthy diet and regular exercise with GOLO Release were found to have lost an average of 53 Ib (24 kilograms) in over 25 weeks.

These people lost about 32.5 Ib (15 kilograms) a lot more than the control group that did not use GOLO Release supplements.

In addition to this, it is still not clear if the cause of weight loss is as a result of the GOLO diet supplements specifically or just the combination with regimen diet, proper exercise program, and behavioral modifications.

Although the GOLO diet may be of great help in some persons by encouraging change in lifestyle and a healthy diet, more research is required to ascertain if it is more efficacious than other regimens.

Benefits of the GOLO diet

The GOLO diet is recommended because of what you stand to gain from it.

The benefits include:

Promotes healthy eating

The GOLO diet is known to promote a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients needed in the body such as leafy vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and oil, and lean proteins.

This is how your body will get all the minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that your system needs efficiently.

Moreso, the diet is an excellent option to choose especially if your knowledge on nutrition and its related topics are not enough, because it makes easy for you to strike a balance, adequate diet by the simple combination of a portion or double portions of the four fuel group – carbs, healthy fats, proteins, and vegetables per meal.

Encourages exercise

The GOLO diet plan is linked to healthy living. This plan includes encouraging you to engage in working out. This does not only give you the benefits of having to lose weight but also the benefits of staying fit.

Reduce blood sugar level

As a matter of fact, many pieces of research showed that regular exercise could help in managing the blood sugar until it is reduced to a balance or required level.

In addition to this, a critical investigation carried out on many ready-made foods that are commercially made; it was found that even the foods that are slightly processed have more fillings, and they increase the blood sugar less more than extremely processed products.

Behavioral modification

By the time you are done with this voluntary program, your attitudes and behavior towards diet and other health-related issues will undeniably improve for the better.

This is not some program that you engage in then drop all you learned by the time you are done. This goes beyond your cognition and influences your behavior, graduating living healthy from an action to a habit of character.

It inevitably becomes a part of you.

Helps you attain the desired weight loss

Most people that patronize the GOLO diet company do so for weight loss. This surely will help you in achieving that weight loss since it influences your behavior, encourages healthy eating and regular exercise, which helps in burning fat.

The GOLO Diet is modified on the basis of many concrete nutritional principles, which include increasing exercise and getting rid of processed foods consumption. This is known to encourage weight loss and reduce blood sugar levels.

Potential downsides of the GOLO diet

There are negative aspects of the GOLO diet despite its general positive effects, and they are:

The expense

The GOLO Diet is a costly course to follow. For instance, GOLO Release’s price is at $38 in exchange for 90 tablets, which can stay up to a month to three months according to how many pills you take in per day.

Some constitutes of GOLO diet can be easily gotten

The GOLO diet acclaimed containing many nutrients extracted from plants and its products in order to aid metabolism but this diet plan also includes some micronutrients which can be gotten easily by adopting a diet that is highly nutritious or by consuming common multivitamins that contain micronutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and chromium.

Some people may not have it easy

While there are specific individuals who may quickly adapt to the diet’s rules that includes strict rules on what food to eat and the ones to avoid, others may not be as adaptive as they are; thus they may find it highly challenging and difficult to stick to because of its strict rules.

“Biased” research

Lastly, the research on the GOLO diet is considered that it could be highly biased. This is because the only source of research on it is solely funded and carried out by its producers.

No company would clearly state the shortcomings of their company, especially the ones that can ruin the business.

If anyone had the chance to write a review about themselves, won’t they exaggerate things that seemed good and dimmed the light in the sides?

However, there is no proof that the GOLO diet has any other extra benefits apart from only supporting a healthy regimen diet and regular exercise.

Foods to Eat


GOLO Metabolic Fuel Matrix is one of the chief elements of the GOLO diet, which can permit you to make a choice from the four fuel groups – Protein, fats, carbs, and vegetables.

You can eat three square meals daily while this plan permits you to add 1–2 portions of the four fuel groups. Engaging in exercises can make me benefit more in this plan.

Below are diet you are advised to eat:

  • Protein: Meals rich in protein may include nuts, seafood, eggs, meat, and dairy products such as milk and cheese.
  • Fats: Meals rich in healthy fats should contain olive oil, nuts, coconut oil, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and GOLO salad dressing.
  • Carbs: Meals rich in carbs contains low calories, and they include berries, yams, potatoes, wheat, fruits, beans, and whole grains.
  • Vegetables: Leafy vegetables with the necessary Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) that include cucumbers, spinach, arugula, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and celery.

Foods to Avoid

There are some meals that the GOLO diet discourages. These types of meals include processed foods, red meat, and other meals that can contribute adversely to the growth and development of the body.

The GOLO diet centers mainly on a healthy meal plan. The GOLO diet plan has short term variants that will help you get started on the GOLO diet plan.

7 Day Kickstart is one of the short-term options of the GOLO diet plan, which is usually promoted as a fast and straightforward method to adopt in order to get rid of potent toxins in the body before switching to the usual GOLO eating plan.

Reset 7 is also one of the variants of the GOLO diet plan. For these precise diet plans, foods such as processed foods, both sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages, dairy products, red meat, and grains should be removed entirely.

But then, you can add them later, but they are to be enjoyed in moderation in addition to the regular GOLO Diet. Below are listed foods that you should stay away from while on the GOLO Diet:

  • Processed foods: Biscuits, plantain and potato chips, crackers, cookies, bread, cakes, and other baked goods.
  • Red meat: Pork, lamb, beef, including fatty cuts of beef. (short-term diet only).
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages: Soft drinks, energy drinks, sweetened teas, vitamin waters, and juices.
  • Grains: Millet, oats, rice, pasta, spaghetti, and bread. (short-term diets only).
  • Dairy products: Milk, yogurt, ice cream milk fat – cheese, and butter (for short-term diets only).
  • Artificial sweeteners: Saccharin, fructose, sucralose, and aspartame.

Sample Meal Plan

Below is a tabulated sample diet plan to help get you started on the GOLO Diet plan for one week:


  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with sautéed broccoli, apple slices, and coconut oil.
  • Lunch: Baked chicken with spinach and olive oil.
  • Supper: Stir-fried salmon with vegetables, baked potatoes, and olive oil.


  • Breakfast: Hard-boiled eggs with steamed spinach, blueberries, and walnuts.
  • Lunch: Grilled turkey with asparagus, cut bell peppers, and olive oil.
  • Supper: Grilled flatfish with kail, almonds, and grapes.


  • Breakfast: Omelet with overnight oats and almond.
  • Lunch: Tuna salad with GOLO salad dressing and a banana.
  • Supper: Baked beef with boiled potatoes, side salads, and olive oil.


  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with grapefruit and chia seeds.
  • Lunch: Porkchops with spinach and hemp seeds.
  • Supper: Pan-fried salmon with broccoli coconut oil and fruit salad.


  • Breakfast: Hardboiled eggs with sliced avocado pears and olive oil.
  • Lunch: Roast chicken with buckwheat, GOLO salad dressing, and an orange.
  • Supper: Stir-fried beef with courgette sauceboats with olive oil and salad dressings.


  • Breakfast: Poached eggs with strawberries and coconut oil.
  • Lunch: Grilled codfish with GOLO salad dressing and apples.
  • Supper: Roast beef with brussels sprouts, almonds, and tomatoes.


  • Breakfast: Omelets with spinach, oatmeal, and chia seeds.
  • Lunch: Roast turkey with brown rice, apple slices, and almonds.
  • Supper: Chicken breast with carrots, mashed potatoes, and Chai seed.

The four fuel groups are included in varying proportions in a simple sample menu on the GOLO Diet. The serving suggestions may vary a lot, and this may range from one tablespoon of olive oil to three ounces of fish.


The GOLO Diet concentrates on controlling your hormone levels using supplements, adequate exercise, plus a healthy diet to boost weight loss. The benefits of this GOLO diet include the reduction of the level of blood sugar, help with weight loss, and generally better your health.

Nevertheless, it can be expensive and difficult to adopt or maintain — and there is a need for it to be more appropriately researched to ascertain its efficacy.

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