How to Care for New Born From Head to Toe?

New Born

Newborns are very delicate in their first few months. Their skin is very soft, fresh and very sensitive to common conditions such as nappy rash. It is important for moms to take the hygiene of their newborns very seriously.

Simple Care Tips For Babies From Head to Toe

There are lots of simple ways to take care of newborns and to keep them protected, fresh and soft. Some of these tips include;


Babies have very adorable faces which are very sensitive to rash and acne. It is important to keep their faces clean and dry. Wipe around their neck gently and ensure to wipe folded layer properly using mild soap, soft cloth and warm water.


Babies often have mucus buildup around their eyes which is caused by blocked tear duct. This mucus needs to be constantly removed so that it doesn’t become more difficult to wipe off since their eyes are still very delicate.

Use a cotton ball dampened with warm water to clean the baby’s eyes from the inside corner outward. Buildups may be worse after they wake up from sleep so you will have to clean the newborn’s eyes a few times daily.


When washing a baby’s hair, make sure you massage gently so that you do not stress the baby’s hair follicle and dry hair with a towel.

You can use a soft bristle brush to comb their hair, and if you feel the newborn’s hair is too long, you should choose a good time to trim it so that water can reach the scalp during a bath.

Although not all newborns are born with lots of hair, some newborns may also develop scaly scalp condition known as cradle cap.

Cradle cap doesn’t hurt or make babies feel uncomfortable it usually disappears after a few months. After a bath, apply baby oil on their scalp.


Newborn babies have a narrow nasal passage which can often be filled with mucus. All you need do is to clean the outer edge of the baby’s nose with a warm washcloth to remove any mucus. But however, some babies can have a stuffy nose.

If your baby has a stuffy nose, then you’ll need a nasal aspirator or nasal saline. Apply nasal saline on baby’s nose to help loosen the mucus then you can now use a warm washcloth to remove the mucus.


Do not stick anything not even cotton ball into your newborn’s ears to avoid damaging the eardrum. During a bath, clean behind the baby’s ears gently. If you think there’s something inside your baby’s ears, you should see a doctor.


Although newborns do not have teeth, it is important to keep their mouth clean and healthy. You should use a damp washcloth to clean the upper and lower gums of your newborn before bath.


Newborns do not need a lot on their skin. After a bath, massage their bodies gently with baby massage oil. Use mild soap and warm water for their bath.

Tommy/Umbilical cord:

Babies umbilical cord usually falls off a few days after birth. Make sure the baby’s clothes or diapers do not rub against the stump and also keep the area dry. But if it looks infected, you should apply fresh breast milk onto the area.


Most babies will experience bottom rash in the first few weeks or months due to their sensitive skin and excess moisture. It is important to change baby’s diapers regularly to help keep the baby’s bottom dry.

And during each change of diapers, rinse the baby’s bottom with lukewarm water and not wipes. You can apply barrier creams such as petroleum jelly and organic bottom balm to help prevent baby’s bottom from nappy rash.


Newborn nails are very soft but can cause injury on their own skin when they scratch especially when they have startle reflex.

It is important to trim their nails regularly with baby nail clippers after a bath when nails are soft, or you can trim their nails when they are asleep.


Babies can lose heat through their feet and their toes can frequently overlap. It is best to keep their feet warm by wearing them socks.

Do well to check breastfeeding basics for mothers and the associated benefits

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