How to Prevent Break-ins When You Are Away on Vacation?


We know how to prevent our phones from being hacked, and we also know how to stop hackers from tampering with our personal computers. Do we know how to stop burglars from entering our homes?

How does it feel to come home after a pleasant vacation to see your lovely home has been raided and your valuables are all gone?

This thought has hindered many from enjoying their vacation; they are always thinking of their homes, with the valuables they left behind, without fully enjoying the purpose of the holiday.

Many insurance agencies can protect you against unforeseen circumstances; however, this article will show you practical steps to prevent break-ins when you are away on vacation.

Blow the whistle after and the vacation and not during the vacation

It’s vacation; why do we need to stay low? I am sure you are asking this question right now. Often, we get tempted by wanting to update and share pictures or videos via our social media of the fun we are having, the beautiful places we are, and the different cuisine we are having.

The truth is, it is a bad idea; many thieves get their information through social media; posting pictures, videos or updating your availability can lead to your lovely home being burgled.

You can, however, blow the whistle after the vacation, when you are at home. Waiting till you get back is difficult; it is mandatory for the safety of your property.

Make your home lively while you are away

Just because you are way doesn’t mean your house needs to be quiet. Burglars look for the quiet houses with no activities; pay someone to mow the lawn, have someone to switch on and off your house lights, stop the newspaper deliveries and mail deliveries, or you can have friends to pick them up daily.

These activities will give the impression that people are living in the house.

Rental’s/Homeowner’s insurance

Get good rental or homeowner’s insurance; it covers your legal or liability responsibility for any property damage you and your family cause to other people, and it also covers damage to your property.

Keep an up-to-date inventory

Record every valuable in your house; as you acquire new things, you update your inventory. Keep a record of your precious items, such as serial numbers, receipts, photos, or appraisals of your valuables (tools, electronics, and jewelry).

If you do not keep an up-to-date inventory, you may not know what is missing in your home.

Let your windows and doors be visible

Let your entrance be visible to the public; keep your trees and shrubs close to the windows and doors trimmed; the majority of break-ins happen when everyone is away to work or schools, do not give them the chance to sneak into your house with the help of greenery.

Also, you can hire someone to trim you’re your flowers, shrubs, or trees while you are away. Unkempt greenery is a telltale sign that nobody’s home, and it may attract burglars to your lovely home.

Secure your homes

With the aid of surveillance cameras, motion-activated lights monitored home security system, and high-quality solid wood or metal doors will make your home a hard target to burgle. A neighborhood watch group is also a great place to start.

If you are not a fan of high-tech security, you can spend your money on strong bolts for doors and windows; these may not stop them from entering but will create a lot of noise which will attract neighbors.

Be unpredictable

Give your spare house key to a trusted friend or neighbor rather than hiding your house key under the doormat or in a vase beside your door.

Secondly, when going on vacation, keep your valuables somewhere different apart from the master bedroom.

You can keep them in a safe; in a case where you do not have a safe, you can keep your valuables in the children’s room burglars don’t usually check the kids’ room for valuables. They go for the master bedroom.

Get security gadgets for your home

There are super cool security gadgets available on Amazon; before you leave your home for summer or any vacation, get affordable security gadgets for your home.

We’ve searched through Amazon, and below are the top two security gadgets you can use for your home.

FakeTV FTV-10 Burglar Deterrent (Hydreon Corporation)

The number of on our list is the Fake TV FTV 10 burglar deterrent; it gives an impression that there’s someone watching TV, it can last for hours, so you are free to spend the night out or tell a friend to turn it on every night when you are on vacation.

The security gadget produces light equivalent to a typical 27 inch LCD; it has bright light and guarantees peace of mind when you are away. Click here for more information on the product.

Hidden Spy Camera (Cam Mall)

This fantastic hidden spy camera made number two because of its properties; it has a tiny camera nobody will know you are watching, it records 1080P video at up to 30FPS, and with the help of a Wi-Fi wall charger, the whole family can connect to the hidden spy camera at the same time.

You can activate the motion detection feature, which goes into action when it senses movement around the area.

The maximum recording time is up to four hours, and the loop recording automatically overwrites previous files, so you do not have to miss a thing.

Reading these steps will not guarantee your home from break-ins, but applying them will prevent break-ins for a great homecoming from vacation.

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