7 Reasons Why Dads Should Take Paternity Leaves

Paternity Leaves

When a working-class lady is pregnant, it becomes imperative that after the second trimester, she takes some time off to rest before delivery and when she finally delivers she still requires enough rest and time to nurse her baby.

Maternity leaves have become a popular concept over the year, and it’s always advised that ladies who are self-employed do not overwork themselves during and immediately after pregnancy.

However, while newly delivered mothers are given preferential treatment regarding time off work, their husbands are denied the same privilege.  People may say it’s no big deal, but then, some of these fathers crave some time off work to bond with their newborn child and spend more time with their newly delivered wife.

Parenting comes with so much excitement and responsibility. While it is the responsibility of the mother to carry the child in her womb for nine months, once the child is delivered, the burden of caring for the newborn is meant to be shared by both parents.

Paternity Leaves

In this article, we will be exploring seven reasons why fathers should be given paternity leave just like their wives are given.
In some parts of Africa, when a woman delivers it is a tradition for her husband’s mother to nurse the newborn child and its mother for the first three months after childbirth.

Sometimes, both mothers of the child’s parents could take turns nursing their grandchild and its mother.  However, in cases where the grandmothers of the baby are far from reach, who then takes care of the new mother and newly born baby?

Fathers who have been privileged to take paternity leave have reported that though the time off work was quite short, it played a vital role in building their family and making their significant other feel supported. What are the reasons why a father should seek paternity leave?

The father will be distracted

When you become a father, the love for your newborn and the excitement of becoming a new father overwhelms you. Knowing that you have a child and a wife who needs attention would keep you worried while you work.

Sometimes, you find it challenging to path ways with them every morning when you want to go to work. This feeling of the need to stay with your new family could last for as long as three months after your child is delivered.

To satisfy your curiosity about the well-being of your child and its mother while you are away, it is better to stay with them for a few days or weeks after the child is born. When you report back to work after the time spent with your family, you can better concentrate.

Both parents are not familiar with the task of parenting

Becoming a parent is not easy. When a mother and child get home from the hospital, taking care of the child can be difficult, and extra help is usually required during this period.

The reason why the mother of either the bride or groom is invited over after the birth of the child is so that they can offer assistance in taking care of the new mother and child. When there is no extra help from nurses or other experienced people, both parents need to be together to assist each other get through the first few weeks.

The newborn child would wake up at night crying, diapers need to be changed, the child has to be fed, and so many other things have to be taken care of. The presence of the father would be of great help to the mother of the child.

Support from other people is excellent, but support from a significant other is both vital to the new mother’s recovery and helpful with the child care process during the first few days of parenting.

Postpartum depression

A new mother is vulnerable to postpartum depression and requires the presence of a loved one to help her get through it. When the emotional and physical changes begin to kick in, it could be frustrating and mentally tasking for other people around when they have to deal with a mother experiencing postpartum depression.

When a woman’s husband or the baby’s father is around her after childbirth, studies show that the mothers face a lesser risk of depression and gets a boost of oxytocin and prolactin which helps put her in a more lively mood and helps her produce enough breast milk.

It helps the father bond with his child

For mothers, the bond between them and their children is seemingly automatic as it starts from the womb. But for fathers, it requires building and nurturing. The first few days after childbirth is an excellent opportunity for the father to bond with the newborn. So, if you are looking to be very attached to your child, it is advisable to seek a paternity leave from work.

Taking some time off

Every worker needs some time to unwind no matter how much they love their jobs. Paternity leave is an opportunity for the father of the child to rest and clear his head off the stress of work.  Although the break off work might be very short, it is an opportunity for him to try out one or two hobbies.

Mom gets to rest

When dad takes a leave to spend time with mom and child, he gets to help with taking care of the new child at night so that mom can catch some sleep. It doesn’t mean the child’s father doesn’t deserve to rest; it only says that he recognises the fact that a newly delivered woman could use some more sleep to help fasten her recovery.

The family is happier

We all know how much kids crave some play time with daddy, but they hardly ever get enough. Taking some time off work to help mummy and play with the kids helps to keep everybody satisfied.

These are just seven out of the numerous reasons why fathers deserve a paternity leave. These days, some workplaces are beginning to allow dads take this break and we hope that subsequently, other workplaces will subscribe to the relevance of paternity leaves.

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