7 Most Popular Fruits

Most Popular Fruits
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What do you think the most popular fruits are? Of course, we can’t deny that some fruits are more recognized than others, but what popular fruit do you know? Before we get to that, what is your understanding of the term fruit?

A fruit is the fleshy and juicy product of a plant containing seeds and edible

Fruits can be consumed raw, dried, or frozen. All fruits can be classified into three main groups. First, let’s look at the three classes of fruits. 

4 Classes of fruits

  1. Aggregate fruits: This class of fruit is produced from different ovaries of one flower. They produce many tiny fruits that are firmly packed together. Some examples of aggregate fruits include blackberries and raspberries.
  2. Multiple fruits: These are types of fruits that are formed from the bonding together of the ovaries of different flowers. The ovaries unitedly build-up to produce one big fruit. Fruits like mulberry, pineapple, jackfruit, and osage-orange fall under this class.
  3. Simple fruits: In this case, a single fruit develops from the ovary of one particular flower. Simple fruits can be fleshy or dry. Some examples of simple fruits include grapes, bananas, tomatoes, blueberry, pepo, and hesperidium.
  1. False fruits: They are those kinds of fruit that are not produced in the ovaries, but from a different part of the flower. These kinds of fruits may be simple, aggregate or multiple. This type of fruits can also be referred to as assessor fruits. 

Having looked at the classification of fruits, it’s time to look at the most popular fruits, one after the other. 

All fruits are popular and very important, but I’d like to introduce you to seven of the most popular fruits, and all that concerns them. 

1. Strawberries

The first on our list of the most popular fruit is strawberries are red fruits that are succulent and deliciously full of liquid juice. They have seeds that contain a whole lot of nutritional fiber. Additionally, strawberries contain numerous vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, which help to boost the heart’s health. The intake of strawberries and other berries lowers the risk of heart attack and internal inflammation. 

Nutritional value of strawberries

Consumption of strawberries provides the body with these dietary benefits

  • 1.1 g of fiber
  • 7 mg of calcium
  • 4.15 g carbohydrate
  • 17 calories
  • 31.8 mg of vitamin C
  • 7 mg of magnesium
  • 83 mg of potassium. 
  • Vitamin B-6.A and K
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamin
  • Niacin
  • Folate. 

Enjoyable ways to consume strawberries 

Strawberries are a universal fruit, and they could be added to breakfasts or yogurt, blended into smoothies, used in making jam, or consumed raw.

2. Oranges

This delicious fruit belongs to the citrus family, and they are round fruits that contain extra vitamins and minerals. Oranges are very rich in vitamin C, and the intake of one medium-sized orange can be valued at 117 percent of a person’s daily vitamin C intake. 

Nutritional value of oranges

The intake of just 141 g of orange can amount to the following nutritional value. 

  • 65 calories
  • 61 mg of calcium
  • 238 mg of potassium 
  • 63.5 mg of vitamin 
  • 16.27 g carbohydrate
  • 14 mg of magnesium 
  • 3.4 g of fiber

Vitamin C is essential for the immune system. In addition, it acts as an antioxidant in the body and is an excellent source of vitamin C. 

Conventional ways of consuming oranges

This popular fruit can be consumed as a snack/appetizer, made into juice, or taken fresh. Its peel can be grated into a salad or topped on cereals to add extra flavor. 

3. Apple

There is hardly anyone on earth who isn’t familiar with this most popular fruit. Apples are high in fiber fruits, which makes quick and easy additions to diets. Taking apples, especially with the skin, has great health benefits, and it also boosts the proper functioning of the heart and promotes weight loss. 

Nutritional values of apples

The intake of one medium-size apple benefits the body with the under listed nutrients;

  • 4.4 g of fiber
  • 95 calories 
  • 84 mg vitamin C
  • 25.13 g of carbohydrate
  • 195 mg potassium 
  • 11 mg calcium

Research has it that the intake of apples reduces the risk of certain cancers, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. 

How to consume apples

Apples can be eaten raw or stewed in yogurt. Also, it can be added to almond butter for balancing protein. 

4. Pomegranate

Many people consider this popular fruit a ‘superfood’ because they have high antioxidants and polyphenols that help restrict disease caused by oxidative stress. Amazingly, It comes with an anti-inflammatory effect and can also reduce the risk of brain-related disease. 

Health benefits of pomegranates 

The consumption of this superfruit will provide the body with the following:

  • 11.3 g of fiber
  • 28 mg calcium
  • 666 mg potassium 
  • 28.8 mg vitamin C
  • 234 calories
  • 52.73 g of carbohydrate

Pomegranate also contains vitamin K, which is essential for strong bones. 

How to consume pomegranate

This popular fruit can be eaten raw added to yogurt due to its sweetness, and it could also make yummy additions in salads or rice dishes. 

5. Pineapple

This particular fruit is an exotic fruit that assists in reducing inflammation and helps in the growth of healthy tissues. The active compound bromelain that exists in pineapple acts as a dietary supplement due to its ability to reduce nasal inflammation. 

The element manganese is present in pineapple, which helps build bones and tissues. 

Nutritional contents of pineapple 

Consuming a medium size of this wonder fruit presents the body with the following values. 

  • 1.2 g fiber
  • 42 calories
  • 11 mg calcium
  • 92 mg potassium 
  • 11.02 g carbohydrate
  • 40.2 vitamin C

How pineapples are consumed

This extraordinary fruit can be enjoyed in fruit salads or made with tropical salsa. It could also be added as a topping on fish tacos. Frozen pineapple could be added to smoothies or consumed in its raw state. 

6. Bananas

This particular fruit is super awesome with its high potassium content. Its high potassium content helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, regular intake of bananas helps with stomach issues such as ulcers, and it can also help regulate bowel movements. 

Nutritional benefits of banana

Eating a medium banana presents the body with the nutritional values listed below. 

  • 10.3 mg vitamin C
  • 1.29 g protein
  • 6 mg calcium
  • 26.95 g of carbohydrate
  • 3.1 g of fiber
  • 105 calories
  • 32 mg magnesium 
  • 4,500 mg potassium. 

How to consume bananas enjoyably

Banana can serve as a natural sweetener when baking, and it could also be used for banana bread or pancakes. It is an awesome fruit that thickens smoothly and can be eaten raw. 

7. Avocado

Avocados are very rich in oleic acids that help drop the cholesterol level in the body. This popular fruit is often referred to as a superfood because of its rich health qualities. This beneficial fruit helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Like bananas, avocados are surplus in potassium. They also contain an antioxidant, “lutein,” which keeps the eye and skin healthy. 

Health benefits of avocados

Consuming half an avocado presents you with the following nutrients;

  • 8.57 g carbohydrate
  • 161 calories
  • 10.1 mg vitamin C
  • 2.01 g protein
  • 6.7 g fiber
  • 487 mg potassium 
  • 29 mg magnesium 
  • 12 mg calcium

Best ways to enjoy avocado

Avocados can be added to salad, and they could also be replaced with other fats when baking. It could be added to smoothies or eaten raw. 


Fruits can be eaten raw or mixed with any other edibles, depending on your preference. Every fruit is very popular and necessary as long as it is naturally grown, and each fruit has its unique nutritional benefits. Medical practitioners advise that fruits should be included in our daily diets for our benefit. Have you taken fruit today? 

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