The Taste of Bong: Shorshe Ilish

Shorshe Ilish

Bengali cooking is a culinary style starting in Bengal, an area in the eastern piece of the Indian subcontinent, which is currently isolated in the middle of Bangladesh and West Bengal.

Different areas, for example, Tripura, and the Barak Valley locale of Assam (in India) additionally have expansive local Bengali populaces and offer this food.

With an accentuation on fish, vegetables and lentils presented with rice as a staple eating methodology, Bengali cooking is known for its unpretentious (yet at times red hot) flavors, and its enormous spread of confectioneries and pastries.

It likewise has the main customarily created multi-course custom from the Indian subcontinent that is practically equivalent to in structure to the cutting edge administration à la russe style of French food, with sustenance served course-wise as opposed to at the same time Hilsa or Ilish is the most famous fish for Bengalis. This is the national fish of Bangladesh.

Bengalis hold up during the time and anticipate the stormy season for Ilish. I think Hilsa is most prominent for its smell and taste furthermore simple to cook. These days Hilsa is not all that pocket well-disposed however the positive thing is that this fish is light weight.

The customary society of Bengal has dependably been intensely agrarian; chasing, aside from by some nearby clansmen, was extraordinary. Rice is the staple, with numerous locales developing strength rice mixed bags.

Household steers (particularly the water bison) are regular, more for agribusiness than extensive scale dairy cultivating. Milk is an imperative wellspring of nourishment, furthermore a key fixing in Bengal’s plenty of treats.

Likewise, as one would expect, normal nourishment served at home is not quite the same as that served amid social capacities and celebrations, and again altogether different from what may be served at a bigger get-together (e.g., a marriage feast).

Bengalis are sort of special in their sustenance propensities in that about every group will consume meat or fish. In many parts of the Indian subcontinent, singular standings and groups have their sustenance propensities; this is not valid for Bengal.

There is wonderful comparability in consuming styles crosswise over social strata, with the Hindu upper standing Brahmins offering an eating regimen very much alike to the exchanging or royal standings.

Fish, goat, lamb and chicken are generally consumed crosswise over social strata; the main special case is hamburger, which if at any point, is confined to Muslim groups.

A bounteous area accommodates a plentiful table. The nature and mixed bag of dishes found in Bengali cooking are one of a kind even in India.

Crisp sweet water fish is one of its most unique gimmicks; Bengal’s endless streams, lakes and lakes abound with multitudinous mixed bags of fish, for example, rohu, hilsa, koi or pabda. Prawns, shrimp and crabs likewise flourish.

Practically every town in Bengal has lakes utilized for pisciculture, and no less than one feast a day is sure to have a fish course. Bengalis likewise exceed expectations in the cooking of territorial vegetables.

They set up a mixed bag of the inventive dishes utilizing the numerous sorts of vegetables that develop here year round. They can make ambrosial dishes out of the in many cases rejected peels, stalks and leaves of vegetables.

They utilize fuel-effective techniques, for example, steaming fish or vegetables in a little secured dish settled at the highest point of the rice pot. The utilization of flavors for both fish and vegetable dishes is truly broad and incorporates numerous blends not found in different parts of India.

Illustrations are the onion-enhanced kalonji (nigella or dark onion seeds), radhuni (wild celery seeds), and five-flavor or paanch phoron (a mixture of cumin, fennel, fenugreek, kalonji, and dark mustard seeds).

The trump card of Bengali cooking presumably is the expansion of this phoron, a mix of entire flavors, broiled and included at the begin or completion of cooking as an enhancing extraordinary to each one dish.

Bengalis impart their adoration of entire dark mustard seeds with South Indians, yet extraordinary to Bengal is the broad utilization of newly ground mustard glue. A sharp mustard sauce called Kasundi is a plunging sauce mainstream in Bengal.

Hilsa with mustard sauce (sorshe ilish) is a real Bengali dish and is not difficult to cook. Shorshe Ilish has all the trademarks of an authentic Bengali recipe.

Most Bengalis consider Shorshe Ilish to be a very difficult recipe so, they usually reserve the dish for special occasions.

But, this Bengali recipe is actually much simpler than other fish curry recipes like Macchar Jhol.

Elements For Shorshe Ilish

  1. Ilish or Hilsa fish 10 pieces
  2. Mustard seeds (shorshe) 2 tablespoons
  3. Green chillies 6
  4. Kalongi (Kalo Jeera) or Onion seeds ½tsp
  5. Turmeric powder 1tsp
  6. Red chilli powder ½tsp
  7. Mustard Oil 2tbsp
  8. Salt as per taste


Absorb mustard seeds water for 60 prior minutes crushing it. Grind the mustard with 4 green chillies to structure a thick glue.

Mustard off and on again creates an astringent taste while crushing. All things considered, you can add some water to the glue and strain out the squashed seeds. Hilsa is a sweet water fish with a different smell (stench for some individuals).

Verify you don’t overcook it. Hotness oil in a non-stay dish and shallow sear the hilsa angle in it. You have to sear it softly to hold the greatest measure of juices in it. Season the left over oil with kalongi and 2 green chillies (opening in the center).

Weaken turmeric powder and red stew powder in around 2 mugs of water. Put this into the steaming oil. Heat up the water and include the fricasseed fish pieces. Blanket and cook on low fire for 5 minutes so the fish mellows.

Presently, put the mustard glue into the stewing curry. Cook on low fire for 2 to 3 minutes. Verify that the mustard is not overcooked; it can make it sharp.

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