Scientifically Proven Reasons Why Couples Grow to Look-Alike

Couples Grow to Look-Alike

Ever noticed a striking resemblance between your mom and your dad? Notice the similar traits, how they complete each other sentences, body language, and even the same facial structure? Does this back up the general saying, “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh?”

The connection between couples in love can’t be fully understood. However, the signs are undeniable in more ways than one.

This sheds more light on our understanding of people who are genuinely in love and share a deeper connection with each other than random strangers.

Let us consider the following points below to see where you fall in.

The number of years spent together

If you compared the pictures of couples who have spent at least twenty years together, -take wedding pictures for examples. You would notice a remarkable resemblance between both pairs that wasn’t there when they initially met.

The more martially happy a couple is, the higher the chances of them looking alike facially. It is almost as if couples mirror each other’s images and create one perfect look for each other.

Parental influence

They say men tend to marry their mothers. In most cases, not all, a man is likely to go for a woman who shares similar characters with his mother, both in appearance, habit and intelligence.

Scientists have discovered that men choose partners who not only look like us but also the opposite sex of their parents. It’s why in most cases you hear people asking the mother-in-law if their daughter-in-law is actually their daughter.

Some of the physical factors may include the colour of hair, eyes and skin.

Sharing of experiences

The experiences couples share throughout their life together, especially when they watch the same funny TV show and a subtle shift in their facial expressions, affect their body language, emotional and mental state.

The sad, happy, bitter, fun moments they both share as a pair shapes their body language and facial expressions. You might even notice a couple’s form wrinkles in the same places. Consider making more happy moments with your partner sweetheart.


Couples who are comfortable enough to express themselves with each other should be able to exhibit the mirror imaging. Couples often mirror each other’s body language, words, actions, and even habits; showing how emotionally connected and trust they have with each other.

Scientists even discovered that couples have the ability to influence each other through mirroring. For example, if a partner decides to quit smoking and adopt the habit of eating healthy, the other often follows suit.

Same immune system

Partners who do everything together, ranging from eating together in the same environment, exercising, sleeping on the same bed, drinking from the same source, would in no doubt have the same immune system.

Couples who have been together for a long time would have a similar immune system that reflects their lifestyles.

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