Uncommon Things Couples Need to Try to Build a Stronger Relationship

Photo by Vanessa Garcia on Pexels.com

Ever wonder why couples find it hard to bond even though they’ve been together for a million years. It’s no surprise the juice in their relationship keeps getting sucked up by their daily routine.

Activities such as waking up, going to work, coming back home with the stress of work, eat, say a few words and sleep.

It’s no surprise to see that the best way to unwind is to sit in front of a big TV and watch brain-draining programs, while the man sits on his favourite chair with bottles of beer that he hopes would knock him out and the woman sits on a rocking chair knitting away. That is completely archaic?

This has been the way of life every weekend for the last eight years. Come on! And you are surprised why the sex is boring?

Doesn’t really matter how you folks get to this point but there are easy ways to dust of the cobweb of your relationship and trigger that spark that is missing.

Decorate and reorganise

If you consider breaking from the norm of wrapping your lips around those cheap bottles of beer and try decorating you house, you would have new things to talk about, a new reason to laugh together.

Painting is a good option. Ask her what colour she would like to have the walls in the bedroom. It might come as a surprise to her, but it is, however, a pleasant surprise. Get new bed sheets, painting on the wall, fix the leaking sink, get new foot mats (the current one is old and torn), the light bulbs needs changing also.

A touch of this and that can brighten the house, and you don’t have to wait till it’s Christmas. Ask her what she thinks and what she would like changed.

For once, drop your ego and be a friend instead of trying to prove you are a man by avoiding any form of argument. Instead, take notes on a notepad. This show of interest would have her open up more than she would with her girlfriends.

Give it a try this weekend. You might never be free if you keep waiting for the so-called “right time”.

Unplanned gifts

Doesn’t matter who gets what first, doesn’t matter what time of the day or day of the week it is. It is even most efficient if it doesn’t fall on a festive period, (Valentine or Christmas).

A random day is just perfect, and you don’t need to think hard on what to get as long as it’s something they would like.

Couples can gift each other with a pack of sexy panties, and custom made key holders, favourite team’s jersey, hair roller, sexy undies. You could even make it movie tickets of movies they’ve been talking about. Simple gifts do the trick just as much. It’s the intentions that matter.

Sleep together naked

There are tons of benefits when couples sleep naked on the same bed, spooning or cuddling with skin warming each other’s soul. Oh yum!

If you aren’t trying this, you are missing. Think of how cold nights would pass like a warm breeze just because you can feel his breathing on the nape of your neck with his penis pushing warmth through your lower back. Who wouldn’t sleep through that? Tell me, who?

Sleeping naked improves sex life, elevates stress, helps keep the body temperature low enough to produce hormones that keep wrinkles away, helps repairs body tissue, and lowers the risk of diabetes and heart problems.

It also helps with couples bonding, and I can’t make emphasis on the sex enough. The sex gets even more amazing once couples add sleeping naked to their nightly routine.

So what do you think? Do you want to get some air in your birthday suit? You definitely wanna.

Surprise texts

How much does a text cost these days? Simple, meaningful short texts on stressful days can change your partner’s mood with each read. Imagine the smile you could give your partner if during your lunch break you picked your phone and typed something nice and sent to them.

“Have a nice day baby”, “can’t wait to see you later today”, “the dress looked good on you”. You could even go all the way by inviting her to lunch through a quick text if you don’t work too far from each other. Doing this often would give your partner a reason to be happy even if they have had a stressful day at work.

Cook together

Minus “the food smells nice” compliments you dish to your partner when she works her magic in the kitchen, I think it is time you joined in the cooking and assist her.

Chop the vegetables when she guts the chicken, slice the opens while she watches how manly you do it. Tons of beautiful things can happen in the kitchen that can make being in a relationship very beautiful. This sort of things tends to turn women on.

You could learn a thing or two, share kisses, have her let you taste to check for what’s missing in the food. You could even try some sexy things like spanking her buttocks, dress sexy and show some skin or have sex if you are feeling a bit adventurous.

Take time off together

A babysitter would come in handy around this time to care for the kids if any. Mommy and daddy need time-out alone.

You could discuss a beautiful place you both haven’t visited before but would love to. It could be a place close to the sea, or someplace nature-friendly that would allow the two of you to breathe in fresh air and not worry about work or bills.

You and your partner can explore together, take pictures, visit museums, movies, visit the spa, go for a swim, and share a bottle of wine while with your dark glasses on watching as the waves kiss the seashores.

You could help each other apply sunscreens, complement each on how good you look, smell or dress, appreciate each other for putting in efforts to make sure the trip was made possible.

Communicate and listen

On occasions, it is advised that couples spend time sharing their feelings, thoughts and aspirations.

Discuss your plans for the future, kids, and jobs. Open your hearts to each other as friends and not just as lovers. You need to understand that a good level of communicating ignites the passion between couples in ways that would surprise you.

Communication could be done anywhere, and anytime; during sex, before you sleep, in the bathroom together, when you cook together, taking the kids to school, on weekends when the stress level is low.

You both can talk to each other about anything and everything and to seal this process, you both have to listen to each other and respect each other’s opinion without any form of judgments.

If at all remarks must be made, it should be done with the utmost respect possible to improve the level of respect you both have for each other.


Couples who pray together win together. You should grow the habit of praying and improving on your spiritual life. This religious activity guarantees to bond a family together no matter the religion.

Spending time together to communicate your inner desires as a family strengthens the family more than when you spend time over a picnic outing. Shall we gather and bow our heads to pray?

I hope you enjoyed reading that and would love to try out the things you’ve learned. Break out of the norm and have a go at it. You’ve got nothing to lose.

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