11 Pros and Cons of Being Single

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Photo by Andrew Neel on Pexels.com

Everyone has been single at some point in their life. While those who are single seek to get into a relationship, those in relationships miss being single.

However, some people enjoy the “alone” experience and never want to get out for some personal reasons. In this article, I will be exploring some of the pros and cons of being single.

1. PRO: Nobody around to be responsible for but yourself. You get to do things the way you want to do them with nobody giving you reasons to change your mind. You worry less knowing that your actions will not be judged. Is it fun, right?

CON: There is nobody to give you the sense of responsibility that you need as an adult. No one to help you re-think your ideas and even give you better ones when you need them the most. You see why two heads are better than one?

2. PRO:  You are Liberty to do whatever you want when you want, and how you want it. It’s a whole different life of freedom when you are single.

CON: Now the downside is there is nobody to join in doing those things that you desire the most. Doing romantic things with random people cannot be the same as doing it with someone you love.

3. PRO: You get to save up a whole lot of money. There is nobody to take out on dates and nobody to spend on. It’s only you and your money with nobody to share with.you can buy yourself whatever you so desire and still have extra money to fall back on when you need it. The more lonely you are, the more the savings.

CON: When there’s someone in your life, there’s so much to do with money. The list of beautiful things the both of you can do together is endless, and so with each paycheck, you begin to think of all the attractive options available to both of you. You find a sense of purpose as every dime you spend is worth it. You’re hardly even bothered about what to do with your savings because there is always a set target to meet. Isn’t that just beautiful?

4. CON: When you’re single you’re lonely. It doesn’t mean your friends cannot be there for you or the fun you have with your friends is not worth it. The feeling is just not the same as friends as it is with someone who is having a romantic affair with you.

The experience is entirely different because being in love with someone brings out the best in you. You get to do the things that you thought you never could, but when you’re single, you could quickly get depressed when there are no friends around because most of your friends might even be in a relationship and that could make you feel lonely and jealous.

PRO: When you’re alone there is less trouble. You don’t get to have constant quarrels and fight; you don’t get to go to bed mad at someone you love because there is no such person. It’s just peaceful. And if you hate to apologise, being single helps you escape having to apologise to someone.

5. PRO:  You can have all the casual sex in the world. Have sex with lots of beautiful and hot girls or handsome and available guys and also go from club to club doing whatever you want with whoever is interested. You get to have threesomes or go for orgies and explore your sex life with as many people as possible.

When you are single, there is no stopping you. And if you don’t like to shave your pubic hair, being single saves you the trouble. That is if you choose not to have sex. Unlike when there is someone in your life, and you always have to shave your pubic hair to make the down low sexually appealing.

CON: Sex is sweeter with emotions in the mix. And if you’re in a relationship, you get to do it with just one person that you love, and you avoid the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infection. You can also enjoy sex without protection because you trust the person you are dating.

6. PRO: Being single allows you to dress the way you want. Look as casual as a banana in pyjamas in your home. You don’t have to wear any makeup or dress up just because you’re trying to be sexy for someone unless it’s essential. You could pile up all the lingerie is in your wardrobe without a care in the world.

CON: You always get to look and feel sexy knowing there is someone who appreciates your beauty. There is a good reason to put on makeup, smell sweet, and look attractive. That’s very good for your mental health.

7. PRO: You can lay around doing nothing, stay naked, have your bath when you want to and brush your teeth when you like.

CON: All you do is lay down dirty and stinking. Your room becomes a big mess because you’re too lazy and sad to clean. Realising how lonely you are, you end up crying yourself to stupor.

8. PRO:  You become more confident when you’re around other single people because you know you’re desirable and available as well. And you get to flirt as much as you want.

CON: When you stay single for too long you begin to develop low self-esteem, and you start to feel like you’re unlovable and nobody likes you. All the casual sex you have had and the random dates begin to make you feel used and dumped. Also, believing you have a problem that chases potential lovers away from you is inevitable when you’ve been single for a long time.

9. PRO:  Freedom to watch as much pornography as you want and masturbate

CON: The feeling of emptiness and self-hate after every masturbation and the craving for a human body to touch and get mutual intimacy.

10. PRO:  once you become single, you can eat whatever you want without a care of somebody telling you-you’re going to get fat. You can binge an all the junks without worrying someone is going to say to you “that contains too many carbs”.

CON: You gain too much weight from eating and just crying all day, and you become too lazy to work out and burn the excess weight. Then you become very unattractive and fat.

11. PRO: Being single is the best feeling in the world because it gives you enough time for yourself.

CON: Being single is the worst feeling in the world!

You have all the time to yourself, and all you get to do with it is overwork yourself and cry as you watch other people live happily with their significant others. It’s annoying, frustrating and saddening at the same time.

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