6 Female Body Facts Everyone Should Know About

Female Body
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A human body is the coordination of different system sustaining life. Although many discoveries have been made about the human body and more are still being made every day.

It’s safe to say that researchers never seem to run out of fascinating details about the human body. The body of men and women are alike in a lot of aspects, both internally and externally, the same way they are different in a lot of aspects both internally and externally.

However, it is essential to know some facts about the female body. Here are 6 female body facts everyone should know about:

1. Women’s necks are more movable

If you have ever noticed how men and women turn when they are called, you will realize that there is a remarkable difference in the way they respond.

Men turn their whole body to respond to a call, but women turn just their heads. This is because it is easier for a woman to twist her neck in whichever direction she pleases than it is for a man.

Most times, when a woman wants to make a turn, it is observed that her head, carried by the neck, turns first before the other body parts follow. For men, this is not obtainable since the entire body mass shifts at once before a turn can be made. This is because the muscle structure of a woman is more elastic than that of the men.

Studies have shown that most neck and head of females anthropometric parameters are much smaller when compared to their male counterparts and male vertebrae between c3 and c7 are significantly larger than the females.

A Female’s neck has also been observed to be weaker than a male’s neck. It, therefore, is prone to neck pains and other neck-related disorders such as degenerative disc diseases, herniated disc, hyperlordosis, spinal stenosis, cervical spondylosis, and poor posture.

2. Women are more rational than men

Being rational means being able to reason logically. Another interesting female body fact everyone should know about a woman’s body is its rationality.

It has always been a widespread opinion that women are more emotional and less rational than men, but current studies have shown that the reality is quite the opposite.

Men are the more emotional gender, and they are more likely to be led on by ego-based brand messaging. On the other hand, women are more practical, cautious, and cost-focused.

According to research, it has been discovered that there are more interconnections between hemispheres in a female’s brain while men have more connections within each hemisphere.

As a result of this, women can engage different parts of their brain when asked to perform a task and so are able to multi-task. Men are more likely to over engage a particular part of the brain.

High scores on a variety of cognitive and general intelligence tests have been associated with thick cortex and women’s brains are known to have thicker cortices than that of men.

A man would go about his regular daily routine, flawlessly executing a given task but wouldn’t take cognizance of the fact that someone else isn’t doing his job well because he or she is having a bad day.

This is as a result of the less interconnected hemisphere that offers very little or no attention to external factors considered trivial.

Meanwhile, women’s highly interconnected hemispheres make them more attentive to their environment, have strong gut feelings, and are always trying to join the dots together and fill in the missing gap.

More active regions in a woman’s brain make them more vulnerable to insomnia, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. More blood flow in the prefrontal cortex of a woman explains why women are more empathic, more intuitive, and exhibit a higher amount of self-control and attachment.

3. Women form more reliable attachments to other people

At birth, we are programmed to create bonds and attachments with other people. The first attachment or emotional dependency usually created is between you and your primary caregiver, and it relied on nonverbal communication.

The relationship formed at this time determines how well you will be able to develop and maintain future relationships.

If as a kid, your parents or primary caregiver is unavailable and self-absorbed, you may get lost in your inner world avoiding any close emotional connections.

Children who encountered complicated, scary or broken emotional communications often grow into adults who have a hard time understanding and expressing their own emotions. This makes them unable to build and maintain proper relationships.

Women are more likely to show signs of emotional balance, an attribute that contributes to the ability to form healthy attachment and maintain successful relationships.

Also, women are more likely to manage stress, stay “tuned in” with emotions, use communicative body language, be playful in a mutually engaging manner, and be readily forgiving, relinquishing all grudges.

Women are able to stay self-confident, trusting, hopeful, flexible, creative, and optimistic in the face of conflict as a result of secure attachment bond which she has created with her children, other family members, and the people she holds dear.

This is as a result of the so-called love hormone called oxytocin, yet another fact about a woman’s body. Women have higher oxytocin levels which promote attachment, solidifies relationships, and ease stress.

Oxytocin is also responsible for breastfeeding and for building mother and child bonds.

4. Women’s bodies keep changing in their twenties

Another female body facts everyone should know about is that the 20s can be the most challenging part of a woman’s life mainly because the body undergoes different changes, including physical, emotional, and mental changes.

If the body is unable to cope with theses changes, it causes stress which continues to increase till retirement age.

Some of the changes women’s body undergo in their 20s include:

  • Body metabolism peaks and then declines afterwards: The rate of body activities such as digestion, respiration, circulation, and even excretion increases drastically. Genetics and lifestyle determine how fast a person would reach this level. A woman who has an active lifestyle would build more muscles and reach this level faster than a woman who is living a sedentary lifestyle.
  • The body becomes curvier: Once body metabolism begins to drop, one might notice an increase in fat distribution on the hips, thighs, and bust region. With the changes in body metabolism, the hormones begin to change as well, and weight gain becomes unavoidable.
  • Cramps get much worse: Hormones called prostaglandins that enable the uterus lining to shed are in peak production during a woman’s 20s, and that is why cramps become more intense. Even though you have been dealing with cramps for years, during this period, it gets a lot worse.
  • Bones become stronger: Bones become increasingly stronger during this period. Having your diet stocked with enough calcium and vitamin D as well as regular exercise will stimulate the growth of bone cells
  • The face becomes slimmer: Another interesting fact about a woman’s body is that no matter how much fat increases, the face never seems to get fatter. It gets slimmer and the face losses all the baby fat around the cheeks.
  • The vulva shrinks: Just like with the face, there is a decrease in the distribution of subcutaneous fat, and this causes shrinkage of the vulva. The labia majora and the opening of the vagina start to look slimmer.
  • Sex drive increases drastically: Sex drive is usually higher at this time because people typically get into new exciting relationships. However, contraceptive pills can cause decreased libido in some women.

Best ways to take care of your body even in your 20s and beyond

  • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyesight from the sun
  • Treat acne and don’t pick at it
  • Do not wear too much makeup
  • Get your skin checked annually
  • Always stay hydrated
  • Wash your face as often as possible to keep them dry
  • Get enough sleep every day
  • Eat properly and adequately
  • Do not smoke or drink too much
  • Get plenty of exercises and wear a smile always

5. Women have a better predisposition to creativity

Creativity is an act of turning novel and Unusual ideas into reality. It is characterized by the ability to see the world in new and exciting ways, to discover hidden patterns, to connect two or more seemingly unrelated phenomena and find solutions to problems.

When men and women were subjected to assessments which included writing samples, Women tend to excel in verbal reasonings with a marked difference. This advantage women have helps deal with most problems across all academic domain.

Another intriguing fact about women’s body is that their ability to communicate effectively and comprehend abstract ideas are required for a high level of achievement in science and maths.

Women’s creativity, especially in arts, is attributed to their ability to engage in a broad collaboration network; they do not suffer from ego constraints as their male counterparts do.

Female artists are anomalous thinkers, their work benefits from socialization, they flourish in a collaborative setting and are compelled to work harder than men.

For the same level of accomplishment, women are evaluated more negatively than men, and they have to surpass men to receive a comparable assessment. Female minorities have to work harder to defeat this ‘double standard’.

Despite this, society has a way of relegating their efforts to the background all because of gender bias. Women are known to be independent, daring, rebellious, and outside the box thinkers, although these attributes have been stereotypically associated more with men.

Another prove of women’s creativity is the structure of the brain which shows that its network is more connected than that of the men and therefore are faster at creating casual connections.

6. European women have a lighter complexion than men

Typically, Europeans are the lightest skinned people in the world. Most of them have light-coloured eyes, and they are the world’s genetic origin for natural blond and red hair. Men have skin structure and make up different from that of females.

The hormone testosterone determines to a great extent, the characteristics of mammalian skin. Because it is distributed differently and unequally in both sexes, it makes both skin different in a lot of ways.

An average man’s skin is about 20% thicker than that of a woman. It is tighter and appears firmer with more collagen content.

The collagen content of a male’s skin reduces at a constant pace, while that of the female suffers a dramatic decline much later with a more pronounced effect, especially after they have reached the age of menopause.

In Europe, research showed that women of Europe origin are twice as likely to be naturally blond compared to men. Further studies suggested that it is as a result of the more persistent blonde genes present in women at birth.

Most times, these blonde traits tend to disappear in men. It has also been assumed that fairer skin tone in women might be happening for evolutionary reasons because blonde women are more likely to be successful in their relationships and dark-haired men are more likely to be successful with women.

Probably why most times men are attracted to fair-skinned women and women are attracted to darker men. Scientist calls it an “intriguing mystery” but of course it is only an assumption.


So many clichés about how difficult it is to understand a woman’s body exists and women seem to take pride in this fact. The difference in genitals isn’t the only thing that differentiates a woman’s body from that of a man. Many interesting facts about a woman’s body constitutes this difference.

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